The Peace Planet — The Desire for Peace
Turn a Cruel World into an Uplifted Planet
Centered from the Human Heart
Imagine a World

Capturing the American Ideals and Re-Instituting
the American Founding for a Planetary Peace
“America’s Destiny is Not Power (Brute Force and Tyranny), but Light (the Noble and Timeless Way)” — Benjamin Franklin
Uplifted and Free as We are Meant to Be
Love is the Way and the Light and the Unity
The One Human Family — A Unity in Diversity and Biodiversity
“Those who pray do more for the world than those who fight; and if the world goes from bad to worse, it is because there are more battles than prayers” — General George S. Patton
The Spiritual UN’s Prayer for Peace, Love
and Goodwill to all Humans on Earth
In the Stillness of Our Breath Connected to Eternity
We Ask Thee Almighty and Loving God to Expand Thy Love and Peace
in the Hearts of all Our Fellow Men
To Turn Away Once and for All the Foolishness of All War
Joining us Joyfully in the Uplift of America and our World
Recognizing We are One with Thee
Great Beings Meant for the Progress and Uplift of our Humanity
— Together
Grant Us Merciful Father of our Souls, This New World
and Help our Human Race to Imagine into Our Reality this Great Possibility
with AMERICA and the World
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Break the Hate! (and Love thy Neighbor). Christianity and Islam Unite!
How Islam May have Given Rise to the 1776 American Nation Herself
Revolution through Evolution!
Every Farmer Knows You Must:Plough the Field First — For Good, Strong and Delicious Things to Grow |
A War Planetor a Peace Planet? War-Debt-Taxes-Heartache—Generation through Generation—It’s the System! Coming Together for a Higher System of Heart, Life, Soul and Truth! Because Freedom is in The System We Choose |
The Spiritual UN’s* Heart-Centered Holistic Paradigm:
*The Spiritual UN is Representative of All Human Beings, Creatures Great and Small, and the Earth
Getting Our Groove Back on Beautiful Planet Earth —
A Unity in Diversity and Biodiversity Together
We know, whether we’re grandma, pa, boomer, x, y, z Generations or just new babies waiting to be born, that we came to the Earth Born to Love not Kill!
We see all Life on this beautiful and wondrous Planet as a part of us that we came to explore, care for and enjoy as simply One Life—rocks, minerals, plants, animals, trees, sky, oceans, earth, planet, human beings, near and far, we’re simply One life breathing for the other, living for the other, caring for the other and progressing with the other.
We know the Old UN is not in synch with the Planet, its people, and all Life at our ecological levels of water, earth, skies and seas as Wars, suffering, poverty and wholesale destruction is rampant everywhere.
We know we must come to our own rescue if we are to make the world a better place for everyone. We therefore, hereby, now make our Human Common Unity through our Hearts as the Human Race—not War—our new spirit on the Earth to uplift ALL to our greatest and grandest heights and delights. We hereby declare our Human spirit to lead the way for new progress on Planet Earth where we’re harming none and helping All.
As an explorer Family of Humans we cast our vision afar to join the Federation of Peaceful Planets of our great and wondrous Universe and for that we are making a new kind of UN—a Spiritual UN—a UN of our spirit that sees all Life as One in all its diversity and biodiversity.
We are, One for all and All for one—UNITED in our Love for all Life on this beautiful blue orb and beyond.
We see WE CAN make an evolutionary leap together, united as One Human Family by getting our groove back on Planet Earth—uplifted and free—living together, learning together, breathing together and letting all be, naturally.
We know we don’t need war, we don’t need politics, and we don’t accept poverty for anyone, all we need is our spirit—no rules, just right as we see here—laying down the ground for our new UN of the heart:
1. We believe War and Weapons are Not the Way on the Planet—that Human beings have been created to help one another, not harm or hurt one another;
2. We believe that all Human beings, regardless of color, ethnicity, sect or creed are all Equal and have all been born with a God-given purpose;
3. We believe no Human being, anywhere, should be hungry, homeless, or without clean water, but allowed to flourish naturally from the Earth which God has given pure, free and good for all;
4. We believe in learning and knowledge and the ability to think independently and reflect to progress oneself and civilization that makes us all better and enlightened Human beings;
5. We believe that all life on the Earth, including all the animals and ecosystems everywhere are to be treated with respect, compassion and humanely for sustaining all Life as part of Gaia—God’s sacred, wondrous and consciousness-evolving Creation;
6. We believe money for wars, weapons, debt and usury—these being the destructive forces, should no longer be so, but for the constructive and creative forces of human literacy, ingenuity, creativity and happiness for all;
7. We believe that we must always seek the Truth, and it is the Truth that we must stand with, above all else;
8. We believe, that Tyranny and Oppression is not the way of the Prophets, the Quran, the Bible nor the American Founding but of Tyrants;
9. We believe that the Brotherhood / Sisterhood of Humankind exists on the basis of Love and Caring for each other, and that we agree with the forward thinking idea:
“… We shall harness for God the energies of love and then, for a second time in the history of the world, man will have discovered fire”
— Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
A War Planet or a Peace Planet?
Common Sense Tells us It’s Either One or the Either.
“If Mankind does not put an end to War,
Become a Peace Planet Member
First Step
“I believe today there is a need for all people of good will to come together with a massive |
We’ve All Seen and Experienced the War System
and What it Holds for the Future.
Let’s Now Consent to Know and Experience the Peace System Instead
Second Step
[Please note other seller(s) on Amazon for $20]
Bring Back Planet Earth to the Best that She Can Be—Naturally
—Unity, Wholeness and Oneness of All Life
for the Vibrant Health, Life, Liberty and Happiness of All
How Your Membership Counts
In Conjunction with | www.UnderGod.Love | www.HolisticPlanet.World |
Your membership in the Peace System of The Spiritual UN Building Fund for Non Harm and Sharing re-institutes the American Founding and Its Ideals through the genuine American Frame of Reference. At the same time, your membership fulfills Humanity’s Planetary mission of “building a state of the art holistic facility that draws from the eternal, timeless wisdom; spiritual and economic principles and concepts for the expressions of teaching, learning, listening, talking, meeting and sharing to both intend and ground THE BETTER, LIFE-GIVING AND PROSPEROUS WAY FOR ALL on this beautiful life-inhabited Planet—in conjunction with being GOOD STEWARDS OF THE PLANET”—as we find in all Religions.
The Center, in the foundational grounding of the American Founding in its entire blueprint, carries the American Founding purpose to its MAXIMUM STRENGTH AND EFFECT, connecting to the TRUTH and the LIGHT of the heart-centered, Oneness and Unity of all Life on the Planet and with the Universe. Not simply a theory but In a practical reason, as citizens, it enables the grounding and connection to simply the best in all of us—moving beyond all politics, divisiveness and War to fulfill the self-worth of each and all.
The Spiritual UN is also the creative force for global worldwide organizing-organization for the fulfillment of Maslow’s Pyramid of Human Needs, and the laying down of the blueprint of Humanity’s highly incorruptible present and future, 5D world reality as laid out in The Spiritual UN Gentle Path book Ch. 8: “Love’s Turn on the Planet—Thomas Jefferson’s ‘Governing Ourselves Without a Master’ and the Advancement of All.”
At the same time, we believe that the roots of violence and tyranny must be examined to prevent present and future generations from falling into the same traps—through a 911 Truth Awakenings Museum and Redemption Project—so that the Planet may survive for the absolute best-that-it-can-be world and destiny that is the right of all Life on it—Human, Animal and Environmental—as One Life—with harm to none.
The Spiritual UN Building Fund for Non Harm and Sharing is therefore the Planetary Brain project, eternally grounded in AMERICA’S OWN LIGHT and compassionately overseen by simply an organization of Humanitarians.
Removing the Middle Men
Why We No Longer Need Politics
and Politicians
The Theory of
— A Practical Reason
The Moral Philosopher, Immanuel
Kant said,
“No Straight Thing Can be Made from the Crooked Timber of Humanity.”
A Crooked System Makes
the Whole World Sick, Corrupted and Twisted
“When the Solution is Simple, |
First Step PurposePlough the FieldYou Cannot Have Both War and Peace on the Planet at the Same TimeEven Albert Einstein said:“You cannot simultaneously preventand prepare for war.” |
We’re Searching for Some
Pretty Cool Architects
First Stage:Purchasing of the LandSecond Stage:Design and Building of The SpiritualUN which Includes The People’s AuditoriumThird Stage:Staffing of the Departments of The Spiritual UN for the Warp Speed
Second Step Purpose
A People Powered Peace Planet:
“Of, By and For The People”
For Now and Our Future Generations
The Pledge of$1.00 Per Month is Empowering The Spiritual UN’s A Better Way—Beyond the Realm of All Politics—for Generational Peace
Because It’s Love’s Turn on the Planet!
“We shall require a substantially new manner of thinking if mankind is to survive”
– Albert Einstein
Give Up War—for Wholeness, Happiness and Prosperity for All—
Generation Through Generation
Sharing in the Journey
Nothing Can Change Unless:*We Plough the Field First*Go Beyond All Politics *Enter the Door for The
Building the Higher
A One Time Pledge, Any Amount